
Tangled-I See The Light :)


All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were

Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog is lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you

My Fav Literature


for My Only one.Why do u leave me and go with another girl. 

You know you're unforgettable.
So just you know that i still love you :) I'm waiting forever

He loves me...
He loves me not...
He loves me...
He loves me not...
I loved you once...
You loved me not... 
I loved you twice...
But I forgot...
'I love you... But you'll never love me...'
You never loved me...
You never will...
But even so...
I love you still...
Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember your feelings arn't the same...
'You leave me here, with my broken heart to bleed.'
Forget the times her held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget those times and don't pretend,
Remember now he's just a friend...
And you think:
'Will I ever get over him, or is my heart going too carry on breaking...?'
It's weird... 
You know the end of something great is coming,
But you just want to hold on,
just so it can hurt a little more...
Sometimes you just have to let go, 
to see if this is worth holding on too...
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had...
But I can't cause I know you won't come after me,
And I guess that hurts the most...
I will always love you.
You've always loved her,
And now I can see,
That the one in your heart,
Was never me...
All of those times you held me close,
It was her you needed and loved the most...
'I love you... Even though I KNOW you love her...'
Its hard for me to swallow my pride,
Knowing that my love was the love you denied...
'I know you don't love me, so why am I even TRYING.'
When I see you with her I force a grin,
But really my heart is breaking within...
My love for you is stronger than ever,
But I know in my heart we will never be together...
So I'm letting you go now,
With tears in my eyes, 
I'm telling my last and final...
'Come what may, I will love you until my dieing day...'
I'm going to smile like nothings wrong,
Talk like everythings perfect,
Act like its just a dream,
And pretend its not hurting me...
I would do anything for you...
No one is worth the tears, 
And shouldn't make you cry...
'I cry each night, and you will never know why...'
The only thing that ever made sense, 
To me was you...

Manuk Dadali & Fall For You


Last Performance of our Music assignment.. sebelum UN, kita ada tugas terakhir buat penilaian sih sbenernya. Penilaian akhir semester. Yang pertama, lagu wajib nih.. MANUK DADALI kayanya lagu asal jawa barat ya.. buat manuk dadali, gak perlu di kasih vokal as gak usah ada yang nyanyi, jadi semuanya mainin alat musik. Untung banget ane dapet temen segrup yang bener2 ngerti musik gan. Namanya Bangkit. IMUUUUTT gan orangnya Xp

Ane masuk kelompok 3. Ada Gregorius Bangkit (leader kita gan) Angga Wahyu (AAAAAAAANGGAAAA !! idaman cewek2 nih. juragan bromo soalnya whahahahaha) Henry Prabowo (biasa aja) :p, Cyntia Claudia, Julia Sandie, Fivta Ayu, Putri Arifta, terus ane gan :) yang paling manis. (buset najis)

nih ada fotonya kita abis main manuk dadali, sebenernya ada videonya juga. tp takut terkenal nanti kaya briptu norman lagi :p aahahaha.

nah, dr kiri.. ada Henry.. Angga, Bangkit tu yg bawa biola, fivta, julia, ane, cyntia, sama putri.. :)

Ada lagi.. Kelompok 2 :)
dari kiri yaa.. ada ardian (yg paling tinggi tu) terus karin, devy, elsa, nia, dwida, ufik, sama seta.. Maaf yaa mukanya pada ndeso2 gitu, emang temanya :D aslinya gak ndeso2 kok :p

yang kelompok 1 gak dapet fotonya :( ada nih foto anak2 kelas, campur2 sih. ada kelompok 1 nya juga :D

ini cewek2nya.. dr kiri.. cyntia, julia, arina, ane, devy, fivta, karin, yang tinggi sendiri.. maharani, rurin, ayuk, elsa, ufik, dhea, putri :)

gak perlu di sebutin ya? :p banyak banget.. ehehe. untung kelas ane damai, kompak. :D

Terakhir.. maju, lagunya lagu pilihan siswa, terserah mau lagu luar negeri, apa lagu indonesia. lagu POP. pkoknya bukan lagu daerah deh.

Kelompok ane gan, kelompok 3. Menampilkan FALL FOR YOU lagunya second hand serenade

Kelompok 2 bawain lagunya avenged sevenfold, yang judulnya SO FAR AWAY.

Kelompok 1 bawain lagunya bondan yang NOT WITH ME.

ini kelompok ane waktu maju..

Gak terlalu jelas ye kayanya.. yg jelas yg lagi nyanyi hehe. ada ane sama fivta. bassist kita Julia, drumernya cyntia, angga sama henry main gitar, bangkit main biola.. putri mainin keyboard kagak keliatan hehehe.

Nih waktu nunggu giliran kita maju..
Nih ane sama julia, jelek banget tu mukanya.. deg2an jadi keringetan.. kileng2 gitu wkakakakak :najis banget. DP gan hehe

Nah.. yang ini.. dr kiri yaa.. Karin, ane, sama dwida. kalo di kelas kita sering dipanggil upilenz, ane cutez, kalo dwida gaholz.. orang jelek juga butuh eksis hehehe. kayanya kita alay gitu ya. Tapi nggak kok. ini cuma becandaan aja. 

ini temen ane juga, dr kiri.. Arina, devy, rurin :)

Eh ! ada yang pacaran juga.. Maharani sama Iqbal. :)

Yah Udah deh. Thats the end. Habis penilaian ini udah gak ketemu guru musik tercinta kita bapak Budi Santoso Thanks for your knowledge you give to us :) 

Putri's Birthday :)


Putri's Birthday
Happy birthday dear !! Finally you're turining to 15 :)
Makasi ya PUnya hehehe.

Semoga kamu tambah dewasa, tambah baik, tambah pinter, tambah cantik dll.
Oh ya, semoga kamu cepet PUTUS ye sama pacar kamu (buset sadis. Iya nih, ane punya masalah sama pacarnya temen ane nih. Bener2 deh. Kapan2 ane ceritain tentang pacarnya dia)

Watch OUT !! Habis ini ada foto ane ama mate ane yang paling setia :p Tenang, aku sama temen2ku NORMAL semua kok. Ni cuma PURA2 aja :)

UN 2011


Yang Ditunggu 3 taun akhirnya selesai..

Apakah itu?
Yap. Ujian Nasional 2011.
First day, Monday 25th April Bahasa Indonesia.. Gimana yaa..
mmm.. Gak susah2 banget sih. Kalo bahasa.. apa sih ya bikin susah? bingungin. dah itu aja. bingungin banget. apa lagi kalo bahasa kan sebenernya buah pikiran masing2 ya? bukan ilmu pasti. insyaAllah salah 4 deh maksimal.

Second day, Tuesday 26th April Math. Nih dia.. pelajaran favorit ane.. masalahnya, ane dapet paket yang susah ! paket 54 kalo gak salah. buset dah, salah 3 bisa2 ane. tapi yaudah syukuri. nyesel juga. bayangin aja deh. 4x40 ane jawab 10 ! idih odong bangett!

Third day, Wed 27th April English. Nah ini juga favorit ane nih. Gak susah sih, insyaAllah salah 1. cuma agak bingung. "KEEP RECORD" tu sebenernya apaan sih? Write bukan sih??

Fourth day, Thursday 28th April.. IPA. Ah bodo amat. nih hari terakhir, belajar juga rasanya udah jenuh banget.. belajar juga cuma ngerjain soal2. eh yang ane pelajarin gak ada yang keluar. payah amir yah. salah berapa dah gak itung.

DAH DEH. Last day, akhirnya terlewati. Terimakasih ya Allah :))
Doain NEMnya bagus yee.. biar bisa masik SMAN 1 Magelang, Amin. Ikut beasiswa ke Australia kaya mas fatih. Ok ok? :) GBU

Firework Lyrics My Fav :)


My Fav song nih :)

Kenapa? Nih liriknya bener2 menggugah jiwa2 yang merasa gagal. (lebay) tapi menurut ane sih emang iya. bagus banget. Videonya juga bagus. Bener2 bikin semangat :) buat yg lagi merasa rapuh.. buffer videonya aja :D or DL lagunya :)

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

le Precious stone


me. le precious stone.
kenapa? Permata salsabila ist mein Name.
tau Permata kan? batu mahal tuh. temennya berlian :D
biasa dipanggil permata, ayak, ay, salsa dll.
lahir di Tangerang, 21 juni 1996.
sekarang sekolah di jawa..
aku empat bersaudara, ada mas fatih, dek iqbal sama dek rasyid as nono mumumumu.
have lotsss of friends. lotss of best friends. but only 4 trusted friends.
gak terlalu suka fashion, i wear what i like. seadanya ajalah. because you are what you wear.
gak pinter banget, tapi juga gak bego..

i'm a henna painters <3 siapapun yang pengen make henna,bisa minta gambarin aku :D
gak bayar kok huahahaha. gratiss.
crazy about one person only. i have a crush on someone, forever i guess...
buat kaskuser. haloooo ane juga kaskuser @kaiBG.
buat 9gagers. haloooo ane 9gagers juga :fuckyea