



ardian fauzi ♡


hey! i'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you!
I love all about you, i love your hair, your eyes, your sight, everything!
the way you love me? perfectly beautiful.
your morning text wakes me up and leads me to face another amazing world with you.
i do love you okay.

Berburu kucing


berburu kucing, berburu kucing!
kemaren enggak sengaja nemu anak kucing di samping kantin waktu aku, ulima, unsa sama roza jalan ke parkiran sekolahan.
waktu itu kita mau pulang.
eh ada kucing di atas karung. ya Allah.. :3 lucu buanget nget nget nget nget!
jadi keinget dulu waktu rumah masih di cawang. waktu aku sama mas fatih bener bener masih ingusan.
anak anak gila yang ababil maksimal ._. psikopat bersaudara ._____.v

dulu, waktu rumah masih di cawang. tetangga depan rumah tu gak tau ya kayak punya kebon binatang sendiri. mereka ngoleksi hewan hewan antik. mereka punya 4 anjing yang besar besar gitu badannya. ih lucu lucu banget :D bentuknya hampir kayak kuda. warnanya macem macem. yang aku inget namanya sih si Popo anjing warnanya putih gitu. dulu waktu masih di cawang aku masih kelas berapa sd gitu ya. badanku masih kecil jadi aku suka naikin si Popo .__.
selain anjing, si tetangga juga melihara kelelawar, primata gitu not sure if orang utan or monyet, terus hamster juga ada. kelinci, sama KUCING.
si tetangga punya 7 kucing daaaaaaaaaan aaaaaaaah :3 ya Allah.
semuanya lucu. gak ada yang jelek. gak ada yang buruk rupa maupun borokan (?)
3 dari kucingnya persia. 4 nya kucing biasa. bukan kucing kampung soalnya kucingnya nggak kampungan. halah.
satu yang jadi kesukaanku. namanya Sera. namanya aja bagus beeeh. Sera bukan kucing persia. bentuknya kayak kucing biasa. warna bulunya broken white ke-cream-an. bulunya warna coklat tua. di jidatnya ada kayak semacam tatonya warnanya coklat tua. motif tato di jidatnya bener bener sangar deh.
warna bola matanya biru muda, pupilnya biru tua. deket kupingnya ada kayak semacam benjolan yang bentuknya tu bener bener kayak mahkota :|
keren kan.
tiap aku sama mas fatih udah pulang ke rumah, kita urunan buat beli ikan asin buat mancing mancing si Sera mau masuk ke dalem rumah. Nah, pas udah masuk rumah.. tu pintu rumah langsung kita tutup. Kunci. 
disitu si Sera kita elus elus dengan cara yang sangat sadis .__. kupingnya kita jewer jewer. tangan kakinya kita tarik tarik. Astaghfirullah bener bener saking gemesnya sampe kita siksa gitu. 
sampe berapa bulan sering kita gituin, tiap kali aku lewat pasti si Sera lari ._.v

enough with the gloomy past of mine.
terpintas aku sama ulima pengen banget melihara kucing. kita niatannya sih mau mungut anak kucing yang kemaren deket parkiran. tapi iya, kalo masih ada sih.
semoga aja masih ada.
kalo udah nggak ada ya udah kita berburu nyari kucing liar yang bakalan kita adopsi (?)
oke ini iseng. tapi biarlah ._.
wish us luck tomorrow key.


I'm very glad to tell you i love you.
and when you tell me you love me more, it's the best thing i've ever heard.


We're not the Champion Yet


gak percayaaa ngahahaha. PEDAL sama DJISAMSOE menuju semi final bareng.
Alhamdulillah ya Allah :) 
SMANSA '14 ! proud of you guuuys. congrats for Pedal United and Djisamsoe.
dan buat Fiesta, you guys played very nice! semangat buat Fiesta. kalian udah main bagus bagus bagus banget.
kiss and hug buat pedal united i cant stop telling you guys how much i proud of you all.
tapi, jangan terlalu puas dulu, ini belum akhir juga. masih ada semi final sebelum masuk ke final.
gak masalah menang apa kalah. ini udah goodjob banget lah. 
angkatan kita emang very nice ;)
jadi gini.. kemaren itu..
scorenya sama.. 1-1. Pedal lawan Fiesta. score pertama dicetak sama pemain Pedal. Fadel kalo gak salah sih.
terus kedua yang ngegolin si Irsan dari Fiesta. nah imbang kaan.
terus dipenalti, score akhirnya jadi 6-3 buat pedal. kalo gak salah sih segitu :s
Alhamdulillah berkat kiper pedal si Ulhaq and his new uniform lol ;;)
terus Djisamsoe lawan tim kelas 12, menang dengan score awal 2-0 yang disusul jadi 2-1 buat Djisamsoe.
congrats Djisamsoe and Pedal yaaa (party)

berhubung si Rizal belum ngupload foto kemaren, nih foto yang ada di hapeku aja aku post huehehe =))

hahaha. tu dari kiri ada si Riri, Gigha, Filda sama aku :D



besok bakalan jadi harinya SMANSA '14. why?
besok semua tim sepak bola angkatan '14 bakalan main semua. Fiesta, Pedal, sama Djisamsoe.
semua supporter kelas 11 bakalan ada semua di lapangan.
bad luck eh, Fiesta sama Pedal bakalan jadi lawan tanding. tapi kita supporter tetep bakalan chill out kok.
kita sepakat buat nggak apa ya istilahnya ya ribut, ya anarkis ya apalah.
siapapun yang menang antara Pedal sama Fiesta, tetep SMANSA angkatan '14 kok. 
but. aku tetep berharap semoga PEDAL, tetep menang. main di Final nanti. Amin ya Allah :)<
PEDAAAAL. tomorrow is gonna be your big day. It's all yours. Play well and fair i beg to you guyss.
i wish you all luck. 
dan buat Djisamsoe yang lawan kelas 12, semangat ya. semoga Djisamsoe menang. pasti menang. harus.
semoga Djisamsoe sama Pedal ketemu di final Liga Smansa nanti.
Keep Playing Fair okaaay. Remember, tomorrow you will shine and win the match.

Thanks Sunday and you!


yesterday, it was a very very very very very dull/boring Sunday. my parents and brother went to Jogja.
i didnt come because i wanted to rest my body for a day.
but it didnt work out anyway. i slept almost a day and i didnt feel fresh or something. 
so i decided to go hang out with this guy. 
at the first time, we wanted to go to Bruns but.. well.. i never hang out to that place before, and so does he.
so.. we went to this place :))

yep! Coffee Toffee.
well i ordered chocolacino with cream, and he ordered GM Almond? ._. 
i dont know why, but i had a lot of fun with him.
it was only a small talk between us and he taught me a simple card illusion? ._. or whatever he called it.
it was a.... well.. perfect sunday okay.
but there's something hurt me that day.. you told me something that.. i dont know.. it hurts me. 
anyway.. Thanks for the beautiful day. You're really something. I can't tell you how perfectly happy I am.
I cant describe this feeling i feel for you with words.
Thank you for giving me such a perfect day! :)

It Will Rain


hello again! 
i want to present an old song. it's It Will Rain by Bruno Mars.
but.. this one is Megan Nicole's cover! one of my favorite youtuber. she has a very wonderful voice!
enjoy the song yaa.



udah dibuat kalah di minggu pertama main. akhirnya, Allah ngasih keajaiban. huahaha. Pedal menang!
1-0. lawan sama koalisi kelas 12. sebenernya emosi banget ya ngeliat pertandingannya.
pemainnya banyak yang kasar. dan sedikit kurang sportif. apalagi... apalagi... yang nama punggungnya.. :x
#nomention please per. jangan frontal. bisa mati kamu.
but well.. God is fair, and always listens to everyone's prayers.
yang ngegolin si Bowok. sebenernya itu faktor luck juga sih.. soalnya waktu itu bowok lagi frustasi banget.
waktunya udah sempit dan dia kayaknya sebel gak gol gol juga.
nah si bowok santai banget tu nendang, dari jauh pula. eh gol (party) huahahaha.
sukaa <3 bangga banget lah walaupun gak ikut main.
udah nyupporterin mati matian sampe ni suara udah habis. sampe gak bisa ngomong semaleman :x
here's some pictures of PEDAL UNITED.

ini nih pemain utamanya. huahaha. dari kiri atas, ada Ulhaq si kapten plus kiper. sampingnya ada Aryo, Didan, Faliq, Honggo. bawahnya Honggo ada Erwin, Udin, Fadel, Bowok dan Anggi.

tu ada si Udin sama Didan lagi mau mulai pertandingan :D

nah ini nih PEDAL united habis nyetak gol, pemain sama supporternya. Walaupun gak semuanya sih.
haaa totally happy dah. sampe joget joget bareng hahaha :'D

PEDAAAAL! menangin lagi ya di babak selanjutnya.
Kalian hebat pokoknya. Jos buanget lah! Kalian keren banget.

Canon In D


i dont know why but everytime i feel sad.. everytime i feel bad, when i listened to this song..
it's.. comfort me as well. enjoy the song! 

The card of As


is it your card, eh? LOL ;)



you. sang me a beautiful song with your wonderful voices. and a very very amazing acoustic song you played. thanks for it. thanks for everything today! ♥ it's.. romantic i guess and lovely.


i dont know what's wrong with me lately. I miss the old me, I miss my friends. That's all.
I miss them all. :')

best day ever!


yes baby it is the best day EVER. ever.
from all the sorrows, pain, and everything that hurt me.. finally.. the rainbow is showing itself.
today... hhh i cant describe how happy i am. i cant describe what i really feel.
because today is amazing! amazing! perfect!
i went with this guy.. this.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! this is confusing. i just.. cant show it with my words.
today's too beautiful.
i dont get any pictures of both of us but i must say... this evening is perfect and.. i dont know.. LOL
i may not fall in love with him, because.. i dont really want to. but this feeling.. is.. true.
if i love him, well.. everything's gonna be very complicated. my life, my social life.
so i think i'm gonna think twice about this kinda thing.. because i dont wanna get hurt anymore.
so ciao! i love you but i dont want to. 

I guess I.... :)


YOU. Yes you are! You make my legs languid! cause i've been walking for so long.. to find you. YES YOU! I think..I'm in love.. because i'm ready.. to move already! yes. i'm falling in love with you. You are.


my Pursuit of Happiness


kemaren, 19 oktober 2012. hari Jumat tuh.. si umi ngajakin ke jogja..
rencana awal sih.. malem jumat ini bakalan nonton sama temen, si Roza. kita bakalan nonton Nemo 3D di empire XXI Jogja.
buuuuut.. bener bener apes laah si Roza gak jadi ikut dan sadly.. nemo 3d gak diputer di empire. rasanya ngenes banget di mobil sambil liat jadwal film XXI di koran. satu satunya alesan aku mau ikut ke jogja tu yaa.. cuma mau nonton film doang.
umi udah bilang gak usah nonton.. ya mangkel laah. kan pengennya nonton. terus si umi malah ngajakin makan di PH aja. tapi aku tetep pengen nonton.. filmnya waktu itu.. ada Taken 2, TED, Sammy 2 3D, End of Watch, Premium Rush, DREDD.
aku maksa banget pengen nonton Taken 2. tapi.. itu kan filem ada embel embel 'D' alias film dewasa gitu.
tapi si Iqbal (adekku) mau ikut nonton juga.. nah akhirnya abis eyel eyelan sama umi, aku di drop sendirian di empire jam 3.
di situ aku asaran dulu.. terus masuk kan ke empire.. pengen nonton tu bingung nonton apa.. takutnya nanti kalo aku milih Taken 2, nanti ditanyain KTP sama mbak mbaknya -___- daripada malu mending mikir mikir dulu.
terus kan aku punya temen.. namanya itu laaah haha. dia mau ikut nonton.. tadinya dia udah mau berangkat tapi kok katanya deket asramanya ujan.. jadi harus nungguin berhenti dulu. dan aku bener bener bete, badmood nungguin dia ngentos buanget! garing banget sendirian di dalem bioskop sampe 3 jam. mangkel. judeg banget rasanya. aku jadi jengkel kaaan akhirnya aku beli tiket sendirian. aku beli SAMMY 2 3D. LOLOLOLOL!! soalnya itu cuma satu satunya film yang Semua Umur. aku pesen yang jam 18.30

naah terus aku maghriban dulu kan, terus temenku dateng. sebelumnya aku emang belum pernah ketemu sama dia. dia naik sepeda. fixie putih merah. aku liat dia, terus dalem batin 'celeeeesss kok ganteng -_-' jujur banget ya ini, tinggi, putih, bersih, apa yaaa. good looking banget lah. ganteng. asli ganteng banget.

terus kita jalan, masuk ke empire. dan hhhh ngeselin sih aku gak jadi nonton SAMMY padahal udah keluar nih duit. daaan lebih ngeselin lagii.....................dia tu beli tiket gak ditanyain apa apa. gak ditanyain umur, nyinggung KTP aja kagak. baaah. sebel. giliran aku yang beli pasti ditanyain umur apaan sih.
terus kita nonton, yang jam 19.20. NGENTOS GERING yang nungguin. soalnya itu baru jam 18.00
nungguin kurang lebih 1 setengah jam. kita cuma ngobrol ngobrol, but.. yap. it is a small world. ternyataa.......kita itu pernah satu SD dan aku sama sekali enggak kenal sama dia -_- baru liat mukanya aja semalem itu pertama kali.
dan banyak banget yang kita omongin, ngomongin temen temen SD dulu.. well.. kita bener bener terkoneksi ternyata. hahaha. dia sengakan banget lah. tapi baik.
kita nonton di ruang 4. Taken 2. daaan well dia cerewet. cerewet banget. di dalem bioskop tu dia ngomong aja sambil teriak teriak -_-
"heh mbok le omong rasah banter banter piye sih" terus dia jawab "yo luweh dewe lak mbayar to" hhhhnnngg. engkrik. malu banget sih dia tu gak bisa diem dan.. dia rakus popcorn. -_-
filmnya bagus. dan gak tau kenapa Taken 2 kok jadi film dewasa tu.. gak tau. gak ada adegan pornonya kok. sadis juga.. enggak tuh. standar. biasa aja.
ngantuk banget itu sebenernya. selesai nonton aja jam 9 lebih. kita berbagi minum pulpi hahaha =))
terus selesai nonton filem... kita keluar, kebiasaan habis nonton pusing banget apalagi udah malem. kita isyaan dulu, aand. habis itu nothing special, kita pisah, dia aku suruh ninggal aku aja soalnya dia kan make sepeda jadi kasian kalo suruh nungguin aku dijemput.. aku salaman sama dia, tapi dia buat aku salim sama dia dan rasanya 'DEG' sakit di pipi kenceng banget dia yang ndorong. hahaha. tapi gak apa apa. and.. that's.. part of my.. pursuit of happiness yang udah lama ini aku gak pernah rasain. maksudnya.. selama ini aku bener bener lebih sering sakit hatinya, lebih banyak ngerasain sedih, males apalah dan ini.. secuil rasa bahagia yang aku temuin walaupun ini singkat banget dan apa ya.. nothing special, buat aku ini bener bener yang.. meninggalkan kesan nyenengin lah. dan aku baru tau kalo ternyata rumahku yang di Jogja itu.. bener bener deket sama asramanya ._.
well, kalo di liat dari cerita di atas kayaknya aku seneng gitu ya sama dia, but.. i'm not. buat seneng, gak secepat itu dan aku bukan seneng sama dia, tapi seneng sama apa yaa. kejadian ini. dan you know.. setiap orang yang punya mata normal maupun gak normal, tau banget kok kalo dia itu emang ganteng, dia gak jelek.. dan cuma sekedar itu. aku cuma kagum, aku gak njuk yang gimana gimana gitu enggak. hahaha.
but..this is.. totally worth it.
ini tadinya mau aku upload foto tiket nontonnya, tapi kok card-readerku gak kebaca di laptop -_-
but well... bye.

I'm Talking to the Moon


"Cause every night I'm talking to the moon!
Stiil trying to get to you. in hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too.
or am I a fool, who sits alone... talking to the moon :)"



Hey yo! if you play Pottermore please.. you can add me WolfNight14611.
i have an owl. it's more like Harry's owl. it's white-brownish. 
my points is... well.. low. very low.
my room, it's Ravenclaw hostel. love it really. cause people who in there, are smart people.
but well.. unluckly... Ravenclaw has the lowest score/points because.. Ravenclaw's members are also low.
so please play Pottermore and see you there in our room, Ravenclaw!
anyway my wand it's 12,5 inches long. from Spruce (wood), Phoenix Feather (core) it's pliant (flexibility)

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw.
If you're a ready mind,where those of Wit and learning will always find their Kind"

add me @Pottermore! WolfNight14611

doodle arts of mine


i love to draw. i draw a lot. sometimes i draw what i feel. i draw my best people mostly.. like my friends, my boyfriend but i dont have a boyfriend, so.. it's my ex. so i drew him a lot, when we were still together. but now we're apart so.. i'm no longer drawing his face anymore. and i draw my family of course. 
i like it when i have to draw something's cute. like a teddy bear, and random creatures i made by myself. sometimes i made my own characters and made a short comic about them. i've tried to make comic but.. well.. i get bored easily. and stop. 
i'm not sure with my drawings whether it's chibi or super-deformed. and of course it's not semi-real drawings. cause my brother thinks yaaaa.. my drawings are still bad. no no no. it's not bad.. but not good either.

this is it. i drew this about a year ago. i drew the girl. and the boy with sack-head, Ghani my friend drew it. isn't it cute? Ghani and i got bored at chemistry-class so we started to draw randomly.

i drew it. i forget the times i made it :s

this is too. half-naked girl :s

and this one.. with mickey's ears :D

and this is Tigger and Pooh. Tigger is my ex and Pooh is me. i drew this on the day we broke up. it's 20th of February 2012. it really makes me sad you know.. but there's nothing i can do about it so i just drew this. honestly, everytime i see this picture... i.. feel how precious is he.

and this is KABOOM!! characters. i drew this on my diary. the bee that's ochak or Roza. and the bold-mermaid that's unsa ._. the plankton-head is ulima. and the flying-bear-with-chicken-legs that's me :D

and this one is too. i drew it on my diary. it's...him. the one who took me to the Paris Beach, Yogyakarta. i'm so happy because... it's the best experience.

another random character i made. i think.. she's beautiful and.. wonderful. i drew it on my sketch-book.

well.. i think that's enough. maybe i'll show you my drawings again.. next time :D

All About Us - He is We ft. Owl city


Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in loveSpotlight shining, its all about usits all about usAnd every heart in the room will meltThis is a feeling I've never feltbut its all about us

Do you hear that love,they're playing our songDo you think we're ready,oh I'm really feeling itDo you hear that love,Do you hear that love




you were NOBODY


you were nobody..
NOBODY. till i came to fill your miserable life.
pssft. I was there for you. REMEMBER THAT.
where's your promises? Well, We live in a world that built on PROMISES, constructed by LIARS.
yeessss you are. 
let me tell you something. once upon a time... we swore not to say Goodbye. 
and now.. look at you. you became everything you said you wouldn't be.
you.. a cute guy i knew.. becomes a jerk i dont even know.
be careful with your words, once they are said..they can be only forgiven and not forgotten. and i dont even forgive you. cause you really hurt me this time. 
you hurt me this time. and i stop loving you that's all. i dont love a jerk anymore. I'm over you,

Hot Air Balloon Lyrics - Owl city


We wrote a preludeTo our own fairy taleAnd bought a parachuteAt a church rummage sale
And with a mean sewing machineAnd miles of threadWe sewed the day above L.A.In navy and red
We roamed a racetrackThrough your mom's kitchen chairsAnd fought the shadowsBack down your dark basement stairs
I lit a match, then let it catchTo light up the roomAnd then you yelled as we beheldAn old maroon hot air balloon
I'll be out of my mindAnd you'll be out of ideas pretty soonSo let's spend the afternoonIn a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behindLean out and touch the tree tops over townI can't wait to kiss the groundWherever we touch back down
We drank the great lakesLike cold lemonadeAnd both got stomach achesSprawled out in the shade
So bored to death, you held your breathAnd I tried not to yawnYou made my frown turn upside downAnd now my worries are gone
I'll be out of my mindAnd you'll be out of ideas pretty soonSo let's spend the afternoonIn a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behindLean out and touch the tree tops over townI can't wait to kiss the groundWherever we touch back down
I'll be out of my mindAnd you'll be out of ideas pretty soonSo let's spend the afternoonIn a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behindLean out and touch the tree tops over townI can't wait to kiss the groundWherever we touch back down

Friendship Patterns


is going to complete my 'Friendship Patterns' album. i haven't fill it yet.
but the cover is finished already. i just need to print all my friends' photos.
i'll only put my best friends' photos. i dont want to make it looks fake.
the first page is only an opening. blablablaaah not important.
and then... the second till seventh page, i'll fill it with URSA profile.
ulima, unsa, roza, and antu. and the rest of the page...
i'll think about it later.

that's the cover :3 soooo.. what do you think about it?
i made it by myself. a little help from my lovely mum of course.

you know why i made this album? i made it once.. but not for my friends. it's.. for him. my first anniversary present. i also gave him two cupcakes. i always wish have a happy-longlast relationship. but this time it didn't work. so this time i made it for my friends with hopes... i will never lose them. 
i will finish this album <3

Against All Odds - Mariah Carey ft. Westlife


Against All Odds - Mariah Carey ft. Westlife :)

How can I just let you walk away 
Just let you leave without a trace 
When I stand here taking 
Every breath with you ohhhh
You're the only one 
Who really knew me at all 

How can you just walk away from me 
When all I can do is watch you leave 
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain 
And even shared the tears 
You're the only one 
Who really knew me at all 

So take a look at me now 
'Cause there's just an empty space 
And there's nothing left here to remind me 
Just the memory of your face 
So take a look at me now 
'Cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against the odds 
And that's what I've got to face 
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/mariah_carey/against_all_odds.html ]
I wish I could just make you turn around 
Turn around and see me cry 
There's so much I need to say to you 
So many reasons why 
You're the only one 
Who really knew me at all 

So take a look at me now 
'Cause there's just an empty space 
And there's nothing left here to remind me 
Just the memory of your face 
So Take a look at me now 
So there's just an empty space 
But to wait for you 
is All I can do 
When that's what I've got to face 

Take a good look at me now 
'Cause l'll still be standing (standing here)
And you coming back to me is against all odds 
That's the chance I've got to take 

Yeahh yeah yeah
Take A look at me now
(Take A Look at me now)

The Day You Went Away Lyrics - M2M


The Day You Went Away -M2M

well.. before i start.. this song fits me perfect! Anyway.. enjoy this beautiful song ;)

Well I wonder could it beWhen I was dreaming 'bout you babyYou were dreaming of meCall me crazy, call me blindTo still be suffering is stupid after all of this time
Did I lose my love to someone betterAnd does she love you like I doI do, you know I really really do
Well heySo much I need to sayBeen lonely since the dayThe day you went awaySo sad but trueFor me there's only youBeen crying since the dayThe day you went away
I remember date and timeSeptember twenty secondSunday twenty five after nineIn the doorway with your caseNo longer shouting at each otherThere were tears on our faces
And we were letting go of something specialSomething we'll never have againI know, I guess I really really know
The day you went awayThe day you went away
Did I lose my love to someone betterAnd does she love you like I doI do, you know I really really do
Well heySo much I need to sayBeen lonely since the dayThe day you went awaySo sad but trueFor me there's only youBeen crying since the dayThe day you went away
Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's goneHow could I carry onThe day you went awayCause I've been missing you so much I have to sayBeen crying since the dayThe day you went away
The day you went awayThe day you went away