
Thanks Sunday and you!


yesterday, it was a very very very very very dull/boring Sunday. my parents and brother went to Jogja.
i didnt come because i wanted to rest my body for a day.
but it didnt work out anyway. i slept almost a day and i didnt feel fresh or something. 
so i decided to go hang out with this guy. 
at the first time, we wanted to go to Bruns but.. well.. i never hang out to that place before, and so does he.
so.. we went to this place :))

yep! Coffee Toffee.
well i ordered chocolacino with cream, and he ordered GM Almond? ._. 
i dont know why, but i had a lot of fun with him.
it was only a small talk between us and he taught me a simple card illusion? ._. or whatever he called it.
it was a.... well.. perfect sunday okay.
but there's something hurt me that day.. you told me something that.. i dont know.. it hurts me. 
anyway.. Thanks for the beautiful day. You're really something. I can't tell you how perfectly happy I am.
I cant describe this feeling i feel for you with words.
Thank you for giving me such a perfect day! :)

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