
Dora the Explolor by XII IS 3


Tugas drama Basa Jawa akhirnya kelaaaaar. Hah gila.
Ngakak paraaaaah =)) ceritanya simple simple, gak mutu gak mutu.
kelompokku kedapetan episode 2. Dora the Explolor di LASRI alias Alas Ngeri ._.
Caca yang jadi doranya, Rendhy jadi Boots, Ninis jadi ransel, Fitri jadi peta. Aku jadi swiper :D
Dramaku nyak nyakan banget, sengak sengakan tok isine -__- Astaghfirullaaaah. Tapi bikin geli banget.
Semuanya dramanya geli geli banget. Mana propertiesnya kayak anak TK pula. Bikin properties sendiri loooh :3 Bikin pohon - pohonan, awan - awanan, dll.
Kata temen - temen I'm the best Swiper :p muahahaha. Gara - gara ke-ngoho-an Rencil yang bener - bener out of text. -_________- edan ngisin - ngisinke tenan.
Dan pekok e aku kepancing jal -_- betapa sungguh memalukan. Mana di video lagi sama temen - temen. Hes jan.
R : "wah Per, mbok kowe ki ojo nyolongan barange uwong wae to... mbok kala - kala nyolong atine.. ar**** HAHAHA" Ish pret tenan -_____-
dan pekok buanget malah tak jawab. "Wah ha kene ki mung di*****ke je bwos!" 
Aku kok iso se - emosional kuwi yho -__-a
heran. We jebul kuwi ditonton karo wong akeh banget. Gak cuma bu dian, gak cuma temen-temen kelas.
Ada ppl sama adek kelas juga. Apik tenan. 
But afterall.... It's a very nice and the best day since you left.
Jadi terhibur. Terhibur banget.
Seneng banget rasana punya temen baru.. punya keluarga baru.. punya sahabat baru.. :)
Oh kelasku sekarang juga udah punya nama kelas. Al Kautsar o:) Subhanallah :3

ini lhooo 2 foto dari sekian banyak foto. Foto yang lain masih di tab, males mindahnya ke lepi :D
ituuu pojok kiri sendiri ada Bayu, dia jadi Dora di episode ke 3. Banci banget ya -_-
terus sampingnya Bayu ada Caca, Dora dari kelompokku. Sampingnya Caca aku, terus Ipul jadi Diego ._. Sampingnya ipul ada Dipa, Bootsnya kelompok 3. Sampingnya ada Udin jadi Diego juga :D
ah asik wes pokokmen :3



akhirnya... lega. Akhirnya udah tau sebenernya ada apa..
Akhirnya... Alhamdulillah. Sekarang mata bener bener udah kebuka. Makasih sarah {}
Makasih anak anak sos 3 semangatnya, kalian emaaaaaang so sweet semua! {}
Ya Allah.. makasih buanget lah. Sadar juga..
Ternyata... :)))) emang painful banget denger kenyataan tadi. But a least, aku jadi tau semuanya.
I'm not good enough for you? Yes I'm too DAMN good for you.
DAMN IT! I love this day.
Even I've to cry for hours today... but well.... I promise, no more tears have to fall again because of you.
aku malah beterimakasih banget hal ini kejadian...
Thank you to all of ya! {}

how are you?


It's been 17 days since you left. How are you?
I've been crying every night since the day you went away.
why i never see you again like..... forever?
I miss that moment when you came to my class, we went home together...you held my hands tight.
and i still keep wondering why.. you become somebody that i used to know?
well... i hope you're fine, have a better life and condition :)
you know... I will never hate you.. for any reasons...
I'll be waiting for you....
so please... I'll be very happy if you just..... nevermind.

second family


my friends are my second family.
siang ini mampir ke Ravega. Niatnya cuma mau ngeprint surat lamaran ppa BCA.
bener bener sebel dibuat nangis sama mbak nita sama mas jangkung.
tapi Alhamdulillah rasane jadi lebih lega banget..
baru aja nyampe, mbak nita udah tanya aja.. Udah ngomongin kalo rupaku suwung banget.
mbak nita bener bener udah apal, dan udah bisa nebak kenapa.
lagi lagi disuruh cerita... nangis lagi.
ngeselin lagi, mbak nita bukannya gimana gimana malah ngatain "you think you're loyal? you're just stupid"
terus dikandan - kandani banyak banget sama mbak nita tadi... ya ampun sedih banget rasane.
iya emang yang diomongin mbak nita siang ini bener semuanya.. ya ampun.
ini nih, one of my weakness. Jadi bego & buta pikiran.. Masih aja ngeyel buat ikhlas.
masa depan ki masih panjang yak... Panjang banget.
ujung - ujungnya mbak nita bilang dia gak bisa ngasih advice apa - apa. Percuma katanya.
Aku ndengerin, tapi gak bisa ngejalaninnya. Katanya bakalan keulang lagi yang dulu.
Bakalan jadi orang suwung yang kebingungan nyari jalan dan bakalan sadar buat waktu yang lama.
Gak ada yang bisa nyadarin sekarang, tapi besok bakalan sadar sendiri.
what do i need? times, she said.

thanks mbak nita aaaa{}


gini nih kalo udah malem. Galau gak karuan.. rasane beda banget sama kalo lagi ada di luar rumah, main sama temen temen. Beda banget rasanya kalo cuma sendirian di dalem kamar gini. Pikiran awut awutan. Suwung tenan. Pengen gitu, tiap malem keluar kemana gituuu sampe bener bener ngantuk. Tapi kasian umi juga di rumah. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.


In case when you're left by...


1. do not hate them for it, they're on your journey too.
2. understand that sometimes you will be a bandage caressing a temporary wound or you will be a pinnacle of permanency rooted deeply in their heart. Accept that you do this to people too.
3. Do not step on your feet trying to find a rhythm you're not meant to follow.
4. Do not let it harden you, continue to love.
5. People use words as anchors to latch onto bits of you and when they leave remind yourself that the sea never bled itself dry because a ship left it.
6. Write the nastiest letter and burn it.
7. Yes, they may have illuminated pieces of you that you were unaware existed. But now you do and they're not the last person to remind you.
8. Dizzy yourself with everything you love.
9. Set all that anger ablaze, you're wasting your time sifting through it.
10. Internalize the fact that you were still breathing before you met them.
11. Forgive them. :)


you said, eh no. you retweeted that "Somewhere in this world there is one person who is perfect for you. You’ll almost certainly never meet."
so what's that? you lied to me? Yes, I'm not perfect enough for you. But at least, respect me. Respect us, for what we had for all this time.
well I'm sorry for being soooo imperfect.
Thalia emang bener, kenapa aku sering sakit hati masalah kayak gini. Gara - gara aku cen terlalu mengagung - agungkan orang yang tak senengin. Harusnya gak perlu kayak gitu.
sekarang aku ngerasa pekok aja. Aku gak pernah lho bohong sama kamu masalah perasaan selama ini.
tapi kenapa to, kamu kayak gitu.
aku cuma sakit hati aja, kamu ng-retweet quotes kayak gitu.
kayak seolah - olah kamu mbukak semuanya kalo selama ini you're pretending, your love?is it fake?. :)


First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
and the third, is when your world splits down the middle
and fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth you see them with someone else
and the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little.


Gak. gak boleh kayak gini terus terusaaaan. 

Kata temen - temen, gak usah kayak gini.. Temen - temen bilang aku gak pantes kayak gini.
"Mbok ra usah galau per, rupamu ra wangun AHAHAHA"
maunya sih juga enggak kayak gini. Maunya ya biasa aja. Kenapa gitu aku harus kayak gini?
Does he really worth your tears? NO. Keep it. Keep it for something else.
But the thing is.... I can't hold it.
I miss him so much. Udah 5 hari dan masih kayak gini. Aku ki kesel le nangisi.
Aku ki keseeeeel. Tapi yo piye meneh.. Rasane ki lara buanget.
Oke it sounds alay, but hey.. if you were me.. I guarantee, You feel just the way i feel.
pengen kayak biasanya aja.. udahlah per.. He's gone.. He's gone.
He won't care, for sure he won't.
Let him go.. You're gonna be just fine.. Ini bukan pertama kalinya kan, ayo struggling kayak dulu..
Dulu aja bisa, kenapa sekarang enggak. It's okay.. :( :( :(




He loves me...
He loves me not...
He loves me...
He loves me not...
I loved you once...
You loved me not... 
I loved you twice...
But I forgot...
'I love you... But you'll never love me...'
You never loved me...
You never will...
But even so...
I love you still...
Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember your feelings arn't the same...
'You leave me here, with my broken heart to bleed.'
Forget the times her held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget those times and don't pretend,
Remember now he's just a friend...
And you think:
'Will I ever get over him, or is my heart going too carry on breaking...?'
It's weird... 
You know the end of something great is coming,
But you just want to hold on,
just so it can hurt a little more...
Sometimes you just have to let go, 
to see if this is worth holding on too...
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had...
But I can't cause I know you won't come after me,
And I guess that hurts the most...
I will always love you.
You've always loved her,
And now I can see,
That the one in your heart,
Was never me...
All of those times you held me close,
It was her you needed and loved the most...
'I love you... Even though I KNOW you love her...'
Its hard for me to swallow my pride,
Knowing that my love was the love you denied...
'I know you don't love me, so why am I even TRYING.'
When I see you with her I force a grin,
But really my heart is breaking within...
My love for you is stronger than ever,
But I know in my heart we will never be together...
So I'm letting you go now,
With tears in my eyes, 
I'm telling my last and final...
'Come what may, I will love you until my dieing day...'
I'm going to smile like nothings wrong,
Talk like everythings perfect,
Act like its just a dream,
And pretend its not hurting me...
I would do anything for you...
No one is worth the tears, 
And shouldn't make you cry...
'I cry each night, and you will never know why...'
The only thing that ever made sense, 
To me was you...

everybody hurts sometimes


I hope It was only a nightmare.
kenapa gitu.. kenapa aku lagi.. lagi lagi aku, aku, aku, aku, aku.
aku yang kena imbasnya, aku yang rugi, aku yang kena getahnya.
aku se-nggemeske kuwi po ge dilarani...
untuk kesekian kalinya.. aku disalahi.. lagi, lagi, lagi, lagi.
kata temen - temen mending langsung ngomong empat mata.. emang iya, kayak gitu lebih enak, lebih mudeng.
tapi apa yang aku dapet? sama aja. Tambah sakit hati..
aku kasih semua yang kamu minta selama ini, aku usaha selama ini dengan harapan kamu bisa betah..
Tapi apa balesanmu? kata - katamu we satupun gak ada yang pleased buat didenger..
mungkin aku ki mung wedok pekok sek iseh wae nekani kowe sore kuwi...
aku mung berharap kowe ki.. ora koyo ngene iki...
tapi aku terlalu budeg mungkin, aku ora pengen bali sore kuwi.. aku pengen kowe narik meneh opo seng wes kok ucapke, gek aku bakalan bali.. Tapi aku wes ra tahan ngerungokke celotehanmu seng semakin nglarani.
Thanks ya Lilik, Cahyo sama Andri, you guys helped me more than I actually need even I didn't get what I want.
ternyata percuma, kemaren aku nungguin kamu sampe malem.. dengan keadaan jalan yang lagi kayak gitu. gelap banget gara - gara mati lampu se Jateng.
ternyata udah gak mungkin lagi buat mu emang.. 
edan.. your words kill me. Every word splits out from your mouth.........aaaaaaargh.
aku masih belum mudeng kenapa, kenapa kok harus kayak gini lagi..
kenapa kok aku lagi gitu...
But Thank God, ulima, ochak, unsa, teteh, afda, linda, riri, thalia, caca, filda dkk aaah walaupun kata kata kalian ki singkat - singkat, tapi makasih buanget kalian ki iso nenangke. :)
I dont understand, Ar... why. You mean world to me. You mean world...